Mission, Vision, Values


Sunday - 9.30AM Connect Groups, 10.30AM In Person Worship and YouTube Service, Wednesday - 6.30PM Connect Groups, Youth, Kidz Konnection

our mission

We aim as a church to faithfully fulfill Christ's command in the Great Commission to make Him known through evangelism and discipleship.

our Hope: Discover, Connect, and Belong in Christ

Our hope is that every person who comes to DCBC would “Discover,” “Connect,” and “Belong” in Christ.
We hope that here you would Discover the Lord, Jesus Christ as your Savior. As you discover Jesus, we pray that
you would come to Connect with His people. As you connect with people, we pray that you would discern a place
where you Belong. The foundation for all this being in Christ, Jesus. Do you know Him?


1. Teaching - We believe that clear, practical, and straightforward teaching of the Scriptures will edify the Church (2 Timothy 3:15) and exalt her Savior, Jesus Christ.

2. Worship - We believe that the corporate Body of Christ is called to participate in worshiping the Savior, not in coming to a performance (Psalm 34:3).

3. Evangelism -We believe the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes and thus seek to intentionally and graciously share the Good News (Romans 1:16-17)

4. Prayer - We believe that prayer is crucial in the life of a believer, being our means of communication with God, and aim to corporately and privately pursue unceasing prayer with our Heavenly Father (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

5. Fellowship -We believe that all believers (and mankind) are made for a relationship with God and each other (Acts 2:42). Here at DCBC we aim to foster true fellowship connections rather than spiritual acquaintances.

6. Stewardship -We believe that God has called believers to honor Him with their time, talent, treasure as the Lord guides them (2 Corinthians 9:7).

7. Service -We believe that the church is a representation of the Body of Christ who God has empowered for service through various gifting and callings (1 Peter 4:10).