Women's Ministry


Sunday - 9.30AM Connect Groups, 10.30AM In Person Worship and YouTube Service, Wednesday - 6.30PM Connect Groups, Youth, Kidz Konnection

connect with our women's ministry

Our ministry is designed to encourage women to grow in their faith, to develop and strengthen friendships, to support other ministries,  and to provide opportunities to serve and reach the community.  Throughout the year, the Women’s Ministry hosts several events to encourage women to fellowship with one another and to learn more about God’s plan for their lives. We also offer several opportunities to connect throughout the week on Sunday mornings at 9:30am and Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.

Join the women of Dale City Baptist Church as they grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord and think through practical applications to everyday life. Keep an eye on our events page for upcoming events for the women of Dale City Baptist Church.